
Flow my tears...

-That's too sad for me,he said.
-But sadness is a good feeling,she said.
-Not for me..
-Just think...you can only feel sad if you 've been in love at first..
then comes the tears..the breaking up..and then the sorrow...and finally love again.
-Then..it's better not to fall in love in the first place..it's so simple..isn't?
-That's why you don't love animals?
-No,that's why I don't fall in love with animals..they live so little time..and then they die..or just go away one day..and then I get sad...so think what will happen with a human being...
-But we all gonna die in the end...
-Eventually yes,but since then why do I have to feel the pain again and again,all the time?
-To feel alive...maybe?
-And why must I torture myself just to feel alive ? just for the sake of life itself?As you said we all gonna die..death is the winner in the end...he is the permanent situation.
-But love is simply that:to see your loved ones to grow happier as you fade away..
-Then,maybe I'm not in the mood to just fade away right now..I'd rather burn out...